You know that saying and those song lyrics, “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone?” Well, I say screw that saying and target it as well. Screw it because it’s just a saying and not a feeling. Words can’t necessarily create a feeling unless those words are attached to a personal memory, an experience. So let’s be blind. If you could have anything messed up with you, anything, let’s choose blindness. Blind because you wouldn’t have to indulge in a superficial world. The world it beautiful, you and I both know that. Let’s say you become blind tomorrow. Wouldn’t you wanted to have take a moment to stare at the sky, the almost midnight sky and wish for one less thing in life, capturing the image as your crystal eyes shattered an ice cube tear just before you were abducted with your eyes open, abducted without reason, abducted without hope, or without a hand to hold or a beauty to evoke. I’ll tell you this - all of this is false. You would be abducted with reason. You would be abducted with hope and a hand to hold and a beauty to evoke. With reason, for everything seems to connect whether or not you believe in the fold of gravity or quantum physics. You are here for a reason and right that moment, when the clock hit the dozen, you were given a reason; to see the world with closed eyes, to feel the world’s beauty, and to actually feel. You will have hope, believe me, you will. Even when hope is gone, there is still a little bit left, to keep us breathing, keep our heart beating. You will believe that this will make you stronger, that you will learn of ways to see in ways you never saw before. You will have a hand because you’ll have your own. A beauty to evoke, a beauty to evoke - “what does that even mean,” you say? Be sure to keep a strong hand on hope, and you will find your inspiration, your reason to hold on. I’m reading “Cathedral,” a short story by Raymond Carver about a blind man. I have hardly reached the fourth paragraph on the second page and I already feel love for this blind man, and that’s all I will spill because you ought to read it yourself, first. Aside from that, this run-on paragraph would fail me from my English course. Good thing I write to write. It’s the negative people, the negative criteria and the devilish surroundings that make you want to jump and stay - at the same time, to know how it is, who it is and what it means, to be a devil. Those people, a particular person, shows me what not to be, and not purposely. I wish she could see with her eyes closed sometimes, but I’m not hoping for her to become blind. I just want her to see what she isn’t seeing; what she isn’t looking to, what’s right in front of her and beautiful and fucking glorious that her nose scrapes against the wind. I want her to feel so good that she knows everything is happening because she has control. I want a lot of things I can’t control. That’s a lie. I can control them. Just as a salesperson would say, it’s harder than it looks. Don’t look, feel. Feeling will get you further than logic. Open up that third chakra and look up at the supernal or celestial heaven. What do you see now?
About Me

- Summer
- Here, awaits your chance to unravel very fragile pieces of my brain.